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Last updated at

Tue, 13-Jun-2023
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06:41:37 Hours
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Build front end of 10 Apps for Android and iOS using React Native. Expo, Native Base, Elements - All covered
  • Knowledge of Javascript is required like loops and arrow functions of JS (need not to be a guru)
  • REACTJS is not required for this course as we will start from basics and will focus more on design
  • WINDOWS or MAC - both are great for this course
  • ATOM or Sublime text or any other text editor
  • You will be able to write front end of any design of mobile apps
  • Build youtube front end clone
  • Build Tinder cards with Animations
  • Complete knowledge of front end of React native
  • You will be building 10 apps front end in React native
  • Ready to apply as Jr app developer (Android and iOS combo)
  • Never look back about device size issues
  • Keyboard aware loing and much more
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