Anger Management

This course will help teach participants healthy ways to express their anger, identify anger triggers, as well as techniques to de-escalate an angry individual. It is not always possible to eliminate the things that enrage you. What is possible however, is learning how to gain control and manage your anger effectively.

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled English
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Last updated Tue, 13-Jun-2023
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Course overview

Simply put, anger management is the process of controlling anger, before this anger controls you. Anger can be an incredibly damaging force, costing people their jobs, personal relationships, and even their lives when it gets out of hand. However, since everyone experiences anger, it is important to have constructive approaches to manage it effectively. 

This course will help teach participants healthy ways to express their anger, identify anger triggers, as well as techniques to de-escalate an angry individual. It is not always possible to eliminate the things that enrage you. What is possible however, is learning how to gain control and manage your anger effectively.

What will i learn?

  • Understand anger dynamics in terms of the anger cycle and the fight or flight theory
  • Know common anger myths and their factual refutations
  • Know the helpful and unhelpful ways of dealing with anger
  • Know techniques in controlling anger, particular reading anger warning signs, using coping thoughts, exercising relaxation techniques and blowing of
  • Understand the difference between objective and subjective language
  • Know tips in identifying the problem
  • Express a feeling or position using I-messages
  • Know skills and techniques in making a disagreement constructive, including effective negotiation and solution-building
  • Reflect on one’s hot buttons and personal anger dynamics
  • Know alter, avoid, and accept ways of responding to an anger-provoking situation
  • Understand the energy curve and how it can help in responding to someone else’s anger
  • Learn and practice de-escalation techniques
  • Gain an integrated view of anger management and how it can be best practiced
  • Proficient English
  • Time Management
Curriculum for this course
72 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
Module 1
7 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
  • Understanding Anger
  • The Cycle of Anger
  • Is Anger Good or Bad
  • Fight or Flight
  • Common Myths About Anger
  • Sources of Anger
  • Formative assessment
Module 2
7 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
  • The Styles of Anger
  • Aggressive
  • Passive
  • Passive-Aggressive
  • Projective-Aggressive
  • Assertive
  • Formative Assessment
Module 3
7 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
  • Gaining Control
  • Recognizing Anger
  • Using Coping Thoughts
  • Using Relaxation Techniques
  • Blowing Off Some Steam
  • The Triple A Approach
  • Formative Assessment
Module 4
7 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
  • Separate the People from the Problem
  • Objective vs. Subjective Language
  • Identifying the Problem
  • Using "I" Messages
  • Consider Emotions
  • Knowledge Check
  • Formative Assessment
Module 5
7 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
  • Working on the Problem
  • Using Constructive Disagreement
  • Negotiation Tips
  • Building Consensus
  • Identifying Solutions
  • The Power of Apologies
  • Formative Assessment
Module 6
7 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
  • Solving the Problem
  • Choosing a Solution
  • Making a Plan
  • Getting it Done
  • Ineffective Problem Solving
  • Effective Problem Solving
  • Formative Assessment
Module 7
8 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
  • How Anger Affects Perception
  • A Personal Plan
  • Understanding Hot Buttons
  • Identifying Your Hot Buttons
  • A Personal Anger Log
  • Acknowledging the Anger Problem
  • The Power of Self-Talk
  • Formative Assessment
Module 8
7 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
  • Communicating Your Anger
  • Using Emotional Intelligence
  • Cognitive Restructuring
  • Responding vs. Reacting
  • Write it Out
  • Find the Humor
  • Formative Assessment
Module 9
7 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
  • De-escalation Techniques
  • Calming Anger With EAR
  • Avoid Responding With Anger
  • When to Back Away and What to Do Next
  • Dealing With Angry People
  • Understanding the Energy Curve
  • Formative Assessment
Module 10
7 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
  • Pulling It All Together
  • Process Overview
  • Find Your Motivation
  • One Change at a Time
  • Choose an Accountability Partner
  • Seek a Mental Health Professional
  • Formative Assessment
Summative Assessment
1 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
  • Quiz
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